Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shadows of The Night: Part I

The Reminisce

Conde: According to Dawn (Kairene’s personal maid), Keo-Hime should be here... Let me see... (Going up).

Conde: Oho! There she is... What a beautiful girl, sitting beautifully on the bench... haaaaaay.

After a few minutes...

Cerrine: Sheesh, if he is not here I would dispatch Claude and Baudes! sheesh... hmm... this is the place and he is not.... Oh Em Gee... There he is... Conde... Such a handsome guy even if he is far away from me... hmmm... What is he doing?

Cerrine: WHAT?! (saw Conde Looking at Kairene)

Conde: Oh! (Shocked) Princess Cerrine, what are you doing here?

Cerrine: hmmm? Am I the one to ask you Count Conde the Third?! And what are you looking at?!

Conde: oh, oh... Nothing Princess nothing!

Cerrine: *sigh* Huh! (What does Conde doing here?)

From the bench

Kairene: OH... When did?! Sister?! Count Conde?! OH... Father will surely punish me for leaving without permission. And... Are they going to arrest me? OH my, i gotta get out of here...

Kairene: Oh no! Here comes Conde... i think he will be the one to arrest me... I'd like to talk to my sister later... but now, i gotta run!

Conde: WAIT! Princess!!!

Conde: Princess! Wait! You don't understand!

Kairene: waaaaaaaaaa! Ouch!!!

Conde: Princess! Are you alright?! Let me help you get up. Are you alright.. Princess?

Kairene: I guess so... and, Please don't arrest me for escaping. Please! My Father will get mad... and I might not go outside for a month. Please... Conde.. Please...

Conde: It's alright Princess, I am here as your guard, so don't worry... I am really happy to see you...

Kairene: Thank you, Count Conde... i really am scared for you might be the one Father has sent to spy on me during my bodyguar's break.

Conde: It's alright Princess. No need to be afraid, I am here...

Cerrine: (mumbling) So... My Sister..., no! Cant be... or She maybe just a damn flirt to my Conde. tsk... Conde... do he love my sister? Or my sister is just flirting him... I got to work on fast, before my intuition happens. Or if she grabs the opportunity in taking Conde from me! I’ better tell Father, but if he founds about it maybe he’ll arrange it for them… WHAT?! OMG! I got to work on this myself. Better call those Fat belly guards fast! Kairene, my dear twin, don’t ever get in my way or you’ll regret it… hahaha! (Laughing while returning to the Palace)


Kairene: Count Conde, I have to go now… See you around, bye!

Conde: See you around too, Princess…



Cerrine: If I get my hands on my sister... How dare she took CONDE AWAY FROM ME?!

For I Cerrine Vi Ophresia will win, against Kairene... Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! (evil laugh).. >:)

*to be continued*

Author's message:

Please ... do laugh... hahahahaha!!! XD


Reimaru said...

lol belly guards
it's like a boy band name heheh

i like the cerrine name..kinda cute ^^

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