Monday, April 20, 2009

Shadows of The Night: Part III

The Other way around

Cerrine: Is this the spell?

Claude: Yes m’lady…

Cerrine: Can this kill her?

Claude: Yes, after an hour with the spell… it will turn her into dust.

Cerrine: Oh! Really?! Hahaha! Goodbye Kairene, aya, rather, goodbye Cerrine… and hello new Kairene… hahaha!

Cerrine: Better go there quick before things screw up!

Cerrine: Ok... here is the spot… oh... There she is…

Kairene: Hey Sister... kyaaaaa!~

Carol: we must protect the princess!!!! Aaaaaaaaaargh!
Dawn: Urghh… The late queens asked me to protect the princess… and the king… urghh… The spell… gotta… reverse… it… this is the dust spell…. Urrghhh… Whatever happens, you must live princess… until my very last breath… for queen Casseopeia… until… my... Very… last…. Breath…NOOOOO! Prin…cess…

Cerrine: Hmmm… this maid sure is hard to kill… she is tougher than I thought…

Sleep tight my sister… or should I say… goodbye! Hahaha!!!

Cerrine: I promise, I would be happier without you… I deserve everything more than you do… Ms. Little-Spoiled-Brat!

Kairene: (Mumbling)Sis..ter... (..............)

Cerrine: Claude! Baudes! We better hurry and get back to the castle…

Claude and Baudes: Yes your highness!

*at the castle*

Cerrine: hmm…Please check any kind of tracks that yields them... make sure they become ashes….if you needed to check the whole kingdom then do so… Understood?

Claude and Baudes: YES!!!

Cerrine: And by the way, please make it to the point that, you are the only two will search for them… including that maid and that guard. You are dismissed!

Claude: Brother, we had looked everywhere…

Baudes: NOT YET! We must still search! Remember we are doing this because we owe our lives to the princess!

Claude: …………………….

(After 1week of searching and searching on the whole continent)

Claude and Baudes: Claude and Baudes here reporting your highness!

Cerrine: hmmm?! Oh… your back… what is it? What have you found? ANY CLUE?!

Baudes: My Lady, as you expected they are gone. They’re … Dead… No clues no footprints… You did a very good job malady! Your plan had succeeded!

Cerrine: really?! Hahaha! Of course It will become successful… How long I waited this! Hahaha! And… as expected for father, he won’t find me, but instead he will find Kairene! Hahahaha!!!

*to be continued*


Reimaru said...

poor Kairene =(

Rune said...

Interesting... huh... more more.... please...

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